Christian Unisex Names Starting With J

Name Meaning Gender 💓Popular
Jace God is my salvation unisex 100
Jacee God is my salvation unisex 71
Jacey Resembling the hyacinth unisex 64
Jackie God is gracious ; in the bible , one of the apostles unisex 50
Jacklyn Supplanter unisex 73
Jacky God is gracious ; in the bible , one of the apostles unisex 88
Jaclyn Supplanter unisex 56
Jacquelyn Supplanter unisex 69
Jacques Supplanter unisex 68
Jadden Resembling the green gemstone unisex 95
Jade Resembling the green gemstone unisex 54
Jadeen Resembling the green gemstone unisex 66
Jaden Resembling the green gemstone unisex 69
Jadenn Resembling the green gemstone unisex 74
Jadynn One who is thankful to god ; god has heard / form unisex 87
Jaelyn Resembling a jaybird / one who is victorious unisex 51
Jaelynn Resembling a jaybird / one who is victorious unisex 75
Jaheim Raised up unisex 85
Jaime He who supplants unisex 90
Jaimee He who supplants unisex 87
Jaimie Supplanter unisex 65
Jajuan One who loves god unisex 98
Jaleen Calm or serenity unisex 94
Jalen Calm or serene unisex 92
Jamar A hand- some man unisex 69
Jamari A hand- some man unisex 58
Jamell Handsome unisex 92
Jamin The right hand of favor unisex 61
Jammie He who supplants unisex 77
Janee God is gracious ; in the bible , one of the apostles unisex 71
Janel God is gracious unisex 53
Janell God is gracious unisex 74
Janelle God is gracious unisex 98
Janette God is gracious unisex 79
Janine God is gracious unisex 52
Jann God is gracious ; in the bible , one of the apostles unisex 70
Japana One who prays always unisex 64
Jaqueline Supplanter unisex 56
Jaren He will sing unisex 53
Jarod Descendant unisex 66
Jarred Descendant unisex 97
Jarren To sing unisex 98
Jarrod Descendant unisex 85
Jarvis One who wields a spear unisex 99
Jase Healer unisex 70
Javier New house unisex 76
Javon Son of japheth unisex 97
Jayce Healer unisex 96
Jaycee Healer unisex 86
Jaycie Attractive unisex 51