Muslim Boy Names Starting With Q

Name Meaning Gender 💓Popular
Qayyum Self subsistent boy 78
Qazafi One who lives in the vast forest boy 60
Qazi One who is just and kind boy 80
Qazzafi Wide, spacious, extensive. boy 94
Qidam So powerful and respected by all boy 76
Qindil The light of the family boy 54
Qismat Lives by accepting thy destiny unisex 64
Qiwam Support; Prop boy 91
Qiwamuddin Support of the religion (Islam) boy 73
Quadir Strong boy 80
Quak One who sounds like a duck boy 81
Quamar Born beneath the moon boy 72
Quarbaan Ready to sacrifice life for a cause boy 79
Quasim Old generation boy 89
Qubul One who can accept change and concurrence boy 83
Qudamah Courage boy 58
Quddoos Most holy boy 85
Qudoos He who is holy follower of God boy 92
Qudrat Power; Might; Strength; Nature; Pure; Clean; Queen boy 98
Qudratullah Power of Allah boy 69
Quds Holiness; Sanctity boy 74
Qudsi Holy; Sacred boy 70
Qudwa Being an example for society boy 58
Qumrah The person who is graced by the beauty of the moonlight boy 62
Qunbar The one who resembles by the quality of turnstone boy 91
Quraish Lives to earn and gain successfully boy 51
Qurashim The symbol of love boy 67
Qurban He who is ready to be a sacrifice for God boy 62
Qureshi Leader in a tribe boy 72
Qurram The one who is happy always boy 96
Qusay Distant boy 78
Qusta The male meaning for majestic boy 68
Qutaiba Irritable,impatient boy 99
Qutaybah Irritable,impatient boy 65
Qutb The leader who is a celebrity also  boy 64
Qutbah A personality that everyone is proud of  boy 77
Qutbuddin He who is leader of Islam boy 66
Qutub A tall person boy 72
Qutuz Firm as a rock boy 52
Quzam Quick to take decisions boy 95