Muslim Boy Names Starting With E

Name Meaning Gender 💓Popular
Ebadaah Prayer to Allah boy 65
Ebi Paternal boy 98
Ebrahim Father of a multitude ; father of nations boy 81
Ehan Expected boy 50
Ehsaan Favor; Good; Goodness boy 64
Ehsaas Feel boy 88
Ehsan Arabic word for perfection boy 97
Ehtisham Modesty; Decency boy 64
Eihab To give freely; To endow someone with a gift boy 66
Eiham Fantasy boy 82
Eiiad The memory of the tribe boy 60
Eijaz Miracle; Wondrous nature boy 59
Eikram Honor boy 93
Eilman Banner of the tribe boy 90
Eilqar Promise boy 58
Eilshan Ruler boy 72
Eimam Chief boy 90
Eisa A prophet's name (jesus) boy 70
Ejaz Miracle; Wondrous nature boy 80
Ejaz Ahemad A person who does miracles boy 76
Ekbal Dignity; one strength boy 70
Ekhlaq Character boy 55
Ekram Honour boy 97
El-Amin Trustworthy boy 79
Elaf The Quranic name means 'oath', 'promise', 'safety'. boy 94
Eliar A friend of the people boy 60
Elias Name of one prophet, God is God boy 72
Elijah Variation of Eliyahu; Yahweh is my God; The Lord is My God boy 66
Elsamhudi Love of Allah. boy 95
Emaan Faith; Creed; Honesty; Belief; Truth honesty boy 72
Emad Confidence boy 68
Eman God is with us boy 68
Emir To command boy 77
Emmad One who is a great ruler boy 53
Emon Ill starred boy 78
Enam Fountain; Open place boy 65
Enamul Prosperity boy 63
Enayat Grace; Kindness; Blessing boy 93
Esam Safeguard boy 76
Eshaan Lord Shiva, North-east direction boy 59
Eshaq It is the name of a prophet's name. boy 73
Esmaeel Son of Abraham boy 100
Esmail God Will Hear boy 67
Essam Safeguard boy 63
Eyad Possession of power boy 62
Eyhab To give freely; To endow someone with a gift boy 100
Ezra Helper; One who supports boy 77